Saturday, November 1, 2014

0 Quiet Book For Little Sister!

Subhanallah! As parents we knew that nothing is more pleasing and cheerful than admiring the stages of growth of our precious ones.

Birth to six years of a child’s life are precious fertile years which should not be wasted. It is a period that they absorb mountains of information and they are curious that they constantly handle and touch everything in sight. They must not be allowed to spend the most formative years of their life sitting like a nonentity in his sandbox. They love to work with their hands which is an important activity in their development.

It is so amazing that the days are passing so swiftly that I still have the sweet memories and feelings of the day I gave birth to my little girl who is turning two next month Insha Allah. There is a tug of war to face, you might wonder what it is….

Yes, weaning the little girl. Alhamdulillah, I thank Allah for granting me the ability to fulfill this particular right of a child as well as the command of my Rabb which can be done only within two years of period. A mother who knows the numerous and wonderful benefits of it will never neglect her child from this valuable gift for minor reasons. May Allah accept us!

Ok, now I’ll dive into the subject which I wanted to post. This is a quiet or busy book which keeps the child busy while he or she is quiet. It has a fine and rich look when done with felt material, but I used the left over materials which was available at home to complete this tedious job. Any way the purpose is served and I am so glad that she loves it so much and my 4 year old also spends time with it.
Teaches self-control and coordination of movements.

Learning to dress. (Self-reliance)

How to use buckles

Peekaboo, they named the little boy Yusuf. Also learning to use hook buttons.

Lacing a shoe (develops hand- eye coordination)

 Zipping (she keeps the shapes inside this pouch)

  Match the shapes via Velcro tape.

Mystery bags (I filled it with bangles, buttons and beads etc…) which develops tactile sense and tying a bow develops muscle control and learning how to complete a cycle.