Alhamdulillah, we are almost at the middle of this blessed month. Subhanallah, this year was somewhat different for me by the will of Allah as I’m missing my hero Little soldier, temporarily and passing every moment of my life with the hope of reuniting with him in an everlasting life as a family together again Insha Allah.
Alhamdulillah, every situation for a mu’min is khair. The sweet memories of the last year’s Ramazan are making me feel Ahhh… unexplainable. Here is something that only I and my beloved son did together during the last Ramazan while others were asleep. (link)
My dear Abdullah, the 6 years of sweet memories you left back means a lot to me. My hero, I’m pleased that you’re happier and safer now, enjoying the bounties of Allah, than those of this world. Alhamdulillah.
My beloved son's writings are the most valuable to me. Today I’m sharing something that the fruit of my heart wrote to me few weeks before his departure.
May Allah accept us and reunite us together again as he never fails in his promises!