Wednesday, April 8, 2020

0 Quarantine into Qur'antime

Quarantine into Qur'antime

Assalamu Aleikum Lovely Sisters!

Let us make our Quarantine into Qur'an-time. A very good opportunity to prepare ourselves for The Month of The Qur'an, which is ahead of us.

Dear moms, it's a time to invest in an everlasting investment which Allah has gifted us with, out of his mercy, our children.

Spend more time with the Qur'an;
  • Pay attention to recitation with proper Tajweed
  • Build the connection and love of Qur'an, as love is the basis of every action.
Begin simple and small;
  • Begin with Surah al-Fatiha, which we repeat in our Salah, the Surah of guidance, cure and supplication.
  • We cannot connect to Him except through what He has revealed.
  • Read together the virtues of the blessed Book (explain and discuss with kids)
Every minute spent with the Qur'an is indeed a light for every step of our life.

As the Hadith states that The People of Qur'an, are Ahlullah people of Allah.

Allah Ta'ala says Whoever the Qur'an & my remembrance preoccupies him from beseeching Me, I give him the best of what the beseechers are given._ Abu Sa'eed al-khudri Radi Allahu 'anhu (Sahih Muslim)

The rewards are plenty, spend time, learn, practice, and enjoy the beauty of this Book, the spring of the heart.

May Allah keep us and our progeny connected to the Qur'an forever!

Umm Abdullah.